In April, New Brunswick Education Minister Roland Haché called a Minister’s Summit on the issue of bullying after the Government of New Brunswick decided not to go forward with Bill 52 an amendment to the Education Act. The bill, which would have included bullying in the Education Act, was presented by Official Opposition Leader, David Alward.
I am pleased to see a summit taking place in hopes of being able to do further work with the Department of Education on the important issue of bullying.
Let’s hope this summit is one of many options to deal with the issue of bullying within our schools. I do feel that this is a step in the right direction on the path of being able to curb bullying.
I have been asked to introduce Minister Haché to the summit participants. I am hoping this will show that the Department of Education and I have a common goal when it comes to bullying – to be able to find a new way to curb the situation.
I will be attending the summit in the hopes of being able to share some insight on the issue of bullying. I am looking forward to networking with other participants and lending his views to the discussion. It’s really important that we make sure that the issue of bullying be looked at not only as a provincial issue but also on a community level and a national level and I think this summit is hopefully going to be able to do that.
Rob Frenette, 21, is a co-founder of
A Media Scrum will take place in the Fredericton Inn Lobby, 1315 Regent Street at 12 noon then a 2nd scrum at the end of the summit at 4:30 pm with comments from Rob Frenette about this summit.