The Point Lepreau Decommissioning Caucus staged a mock trial in front of NB Power’s headquarters today, Jan. 26, 2011 in Fredericton. They say the nuclear generating station provides the quintessential definition of a white elephant.
“The aging nuclear plant opened its doors three times over budget in 1983. The Energy and Utilities Board refused to support spending on refurbishing it beyond its expected lifetime, but politicians went ahead anyway. Today, costs for the touch-and-go overhaul are already over $1.4 billion. The latest guess at a completion date is May 2012, a delay of almost three years. Damage to public and worker health and the environment have yet to be calculated and the final costs for taxpayers may not end for generations,” said Willi Nolan with the Point Lepreau Decommissioning Caucus.
The Point Lepreau Decommissioning Caucus is an alliance of organizations, including the Conservation Council of New Brunswick (CCNB) and the International Institute for Concern in Public Health.
“To underline the foolishness of refurbishing Lepreau, the groups are holding surprise events featuring their newest member, an actual white elephant costume aptly named Pointless Lepreau,” said Raphael Shay, a member of the caucus.
“This Elephant in the NB Legislature is so big the new Energy Commission isn’t even allowed to talk about it, forcing politicians to setup a separate panel for it alone. Pointless Lepreau is so big that New Brunswick courtrooms can’t hold it, so the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has to hold hearings about it in Ottawa, where New Brunswickers can’t hear just how bad it is,” continued Shay.
Tracy Glynn is on the NB Media Co-op board.