This is an open letter to all members of Moncton city council, all local health professionals, media and local police force. This is the side of the story about fluoride that you never get to hear. Please read carefully and take this into consideration when you decide what position you’re taking on the subject of water fluoridation.
The fluoride compound currently added to Moncton’s water supply is hydrofluosilicic acid (also called hexafluorosilicic acid or hydrofluorosilicic acid). A member of our group, Flouride Free Moncton, phoned the Turtle Creek water treatment plant and confirmed this. This is not naturally occurring fluoride nor is it even a pharmaceutical grade, rather it is an industrial toxic waste by-product from American phosphate fertilizer manufacturing.
The hydrofluosilicic acid emitted from the smoke stacks at the phosphate mining sites kills all nature and livestock surrounding it via fluoride poisioning. To prevent this from happening, the fumes are instead captured and collected by using “wet scrubbers.” They are then repackaged and shipped to cities across Canada and the United States to be dripped into their water supplies.
Because hydrofluosilicic acid is considered highly toxic by the EPA, it must be classified as hazardous waste. When packaged for transportation it must be labeled as poison and handled by workers wearing industrial safety gear including chemical suits and goggles.
In short, companies that would normally have to pay to safely dispose of industrial toxic waste are in fact turning a profit by selling it to municipalities across North America and dumping it into their water supply as “fluoride”. The water supply that we all drink from, our bodies have in essense become toxic waste dump sites.
Unlike chlorine or anything else added to the water, hydrofluosilicic acid is the only thing that is put in not to treat the water but to treat the people. And unlike chlorine, the only way to filter it out is a reverse osmosis system costing thousands of dollars.
You can read several professional and peer-reviewed medical studies linking fluoride to dental and skeletal fluorosis, bone cancer, kidney problems, negative effects on the pineal gland, thyroid and reproductive systems as well as studies on the relationship between fluoride and lowering IQ at the following web link:
50 reasons to oppose water fluoridation:
A new report was released just days ago warning not to mix infant formula with fluoridated water.
I understand the argument that despite thousands of professional opinions and hundreds of studies saying water fluoridation is harmful, Health Canada thinks its safe so let’s keep with the status quo. Many communities and provinces in Canada are not and 98% of Europe has already dismissed water fluoridaton as scientific quackery long ago. As to Health Canada, how many years have they allowed our plastic drinking bottles to be laced with bisephenol A (BPA)? How long did they sit back and allow everyone to insulate their homes with asbestos? How many years did they endorse smoking along with doctors and dentists? The point is Health Canada is sometimes slow on issues like this and this brings any endorsement or study done into question.
I would suggest reading the warning label for hydrofluosilicic acid. The label clearly states “poison” and “do not ingest” and suggests wearing chemical suits and goggles when handling the containers. The containers that contain our medicine. Medicine we receive not by diagnosis, not by prescription nor even by choice but by means of force through our water supply. Does common sense tell you this is perhaps unethical and maybe even illegal? When the science is not 100% sound to prove its safe to consume over a lifetime, should we not err on the side of caution and stop adding it to our water until more study is done proving its safe?
Don’t believe anything I’ve written here if you don’t want to. I encourage you to research it for yourself. Here is a good 12 minute video presentation that explains the process quite well: