Our free screenings of political documentaries will be taking place once a month. Our goal is to show films on important social and environmental events taking place around the world that, we feel, are not being acknowledge to their full value in the mainstream media. We aim to create a safe, comfortable and friendly atmoshpere where people from all social class and background can come to share, learn, discuss and, if so inclined, organise together.
Nous offrons des projections gratuite de documentaire de nature politique une fois par mois. Nous avons comme but de montrer des films sur des sujets important, social ou environnemental, qui, dans nos opinions, ne sont pas reconnue à leur pleine valeur dans les médias. Nous avons pour objectif de créer un environnement sain, confortable et chaleureux où les gens de toutes classes sociales peuvent venir partager, apprendre, discuter et, si enclin, à organiser ensemble.
The following films will be screened during the 2012-13 season at the United Way Boardroom, Suite T210, at 22 Church Street, Moncton at 7:00pm.
Our free screenings of political documentaries will be taking place once a month. Our goal is to show films on important social and environmental events taking place around the world that, we feel, are not being acknowledge to their full value in the mainstream media. We aim to create a safe, comfortable and friendly atmoshpere where people from all social class and background can come to share, learn, discuss and, if so inclined, organise together.
Dates & Films:
September 10th – 5 Broken Cameras – (Palestine/Isreal, wat, occupation, resistance)
October 1st – Diversidad: A Road trip to Deconstruct Dinner – (food, security, organic activism, bike activism, agriculture, Canada, USA)
November 5th – Radiant City – (environment, economics, gentrification)
December 3rd – Caution Feminists (youth, feminism, Quebec, activism)
January 7th – Stolen Spirits of the Haida G’Waii – (indigenous culture and rights, history, museums, Canada)
February 4th – Edible City – (food security, organic, food, movement, urban, agriculture, USA)
March 4th – Clean Bin Project – (environment, waste, Canada)
April 1st – Pink Ribbons Inc. – (women, breast cancer, health, corporate crime, Canada)
May 6th – The Battle of Rabaska – (water, environment, corporations, Quebec)