David Coon did not want a public goodbye from the Conservation Council of New Brunswick, but he is going to get one.
It is hard to imagine the Conservation Council without David Coon. He’s been the face and voice of CCNB and the environmental movement in the province of New Brunswick for almost three decades.
David could always be counted on to capture with splendid precision, passion and style what New Brunswickers were feeling about the threats facing our rivers and seas, our air and climate, our forest and wildlife, and our people. His sincerity on the state of our environment and his passion to change the destructive status quo shone through with every one of his carefully chosen words.
For the many CCNB staff who have come and gone and remain, David patiently shared his immense reserves of knowledge and sound advice. We can all rest assured that an army of those trained at David Coon’s School of How to Effect Change are out there working in our communities, making them healthier places for people to live and thrive.
David’s work in the environmental movement didn’t begin with the Conservation Council nor was it ever restricted within the borders of New Brunswick over the years.
Never one to be told that it can’t be done, David has blazed a few trails in New Brunswick. David helped to establish the Harvest Share Coop, Canada’s first CSA – Community Supported Agriculture in Keswick Ridge. He was instrumental in the eventual creation of Efficiency NB, and up to his departure from CCNB, advised the establishment of the Upper Miramichi Community Forest.
Being green isn’t always easy, nor is standing up for the public interest to enjoy a walk in the Acadian forest and to breathe air and drink water free of toxins. But it’s easier when you work with someone like David who is not only forever optimistic and thinking of the next move but who makes your heavy heart lighter, wiping the frown off your face, with his unique sense of humour.
CCNB has weathered many storms over the years under David’s wise leadership and council. A defamation lawsuit against CCNB at the turn of the century could have easily destroyed any organization. But instead, CCNB came out swinging, on the side of justice and on the side of the people of Belledune.
CCNB’s staff and board would like to wish David success in his new job as the Green Party Leader of New Brunswick.
David, it would be our honour to lobby the man who taught us so much about how to lobby for what really counts — our people, our planet and our humanity.
Inka Milewski, David Thompson, Tracy Glynn, Stephanie Merrill, Matthew Abbott, Alison Juta, Kevin Matthews, Nadine Ives, Raphael Shay, Megan de Graaf, Julie Michaud, Toby Couture and Inuk Simard