Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
We support “Idle No More” and Honourable Chief Theresa Spence’s hunger strike.
We urge you to meet with First Nation leaders, include First Nation leaders in decision-making, and to honor Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.
We concerned members of the Mi’kmaq Nation of Atlantic Canada stand with Honorable Chief Theresa Spence! She has sacrificed her basic human right to food until she meets with you and representatives of the British Crown.
Members of the Mi’kmaq Nation would be greatly obliged if you honor the 1982 Constitution Act and meet with Chief Spence as well as all First Nation Leaders that support her. Our leaders include Grand Chiefs, Chief and Council, Sundance Warriors, Women, Youth and Elders. As leaders, we have a duty to protect the land, air, water, and the ecosystem for our unborn generations. We are committed to our duties and are determined to protect this land!
In these growing historical events, I pray that you learn the great teaching of Respect; the way we treat people reflects our personal morals and values as human beings here on Mother Earth. As a voter, I hope that our Prime Minister carry a truthful, humble, and loving heart. These morals and values are necessary to maintain a respectful relationship. As the Prime Minister of Canada, it is your duty to ensure this relationship remains respectful.
Honorable Chief Theresa Spence’s life and our Mi’kmaq Sundance Warrior’s life depends on your decision to meet with us. May the Great Spirit of Love guide you in your decision to meet with Chief Theresa Spence and all First Nation Leaders across Canada.
With a humble heart, I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday. As for us, we will not rest until our Mi’kmaq Sundance Leader who has joined the hunger strike with Chief Theresa Spence, return home.
Wela’lin, Oelaalin, Thank You, Merci!
Katrina Clair
Mi’kmaq Mother/Community Volunteer