The Idle No More movement hit Fredericton’s Regent Mall over the noon hour on Christmas Eve and Moncton’s Champlain Place on Dec. 27th.
Hundreds of Maliseet, Mi’kmaq and their allies participated in a round dance and flash mob at the province’s busy malls over the holiday season to draw attention to and show their opposition to Bill C-45. Participants joined hands and danced around the Fredericton mall’s food court to the beat of native drums and songs about the Wabanaki.
Opponents to Bill C-45 say the bill violates treaty rights of indigenous people and threatens the land, water and air across the country.
Idle No More Flash Mob at Moncton’s Champlain Place on Dec. 27, 2012:
Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence has entered the nineteenth day of a hunger strike. She is requesting a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to discuss her concerns with Bill C-45. She says that she is ready to die for her people. Others have joined her in fasting and many from the Maritimes and across the country are travelling to Ottawa to join Chief Spence on Parliament Hill.
The Idle No More movement started in Saskatchewan in November and is growing with actions happening almost daily across the country.
For more information, visit Idle No More.