How well Fredericton can deal with the challenges of a low-carbon future depends on its ability to plan and adapt to changing conditions, including reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
A group called Transition Fredericton was formed last year with the intent of exploring the ins and outs of how a small city like Fredericton can thrive in the face of climate change, high energy prices and possible insecurity of food supply.
Matthew Hayes, 2012 candidate for Mayor and founder of Transition Fredericton, thinks citizens can adapt and find more happiness in a low- or zero-carbon future.
“The question is not whether we adapt and become more resilient, it’s how and when we do it. And the projects Transition Fredericton is incubating are not only positive in nature, they’re fun, and have great potential,” Hayes said.
“We are bringing people together who are interested in solving problems and saving money for the public all while building better community.”
Transition Fredericton is part of a growing global movement of over 900 like-minded groups including over 60 in Canada. Preparing for the future means making communities stronger through projects like local energy initiatives, community gardens and creating employment with what you can grow or make.
Transition Fredericton meets quarterly at St. Thomas University.
Contact Margo Sheppard at or 462-9915 for more information. The next meeting is scheduled for March 14, 7pm at McCain Hall, STU.