Community members now wait for release of arrested
Moncton – SWN seismic trucks, flanked again by an escort of RCMP guards, today pushed past the junction of highways 126 and 116 west, in Kent County, New Brunswick. At approximately 7:45 am, with far fewer people at the encampment – and in the middle of a sunrise ceremony – RCMP quickly arrested 11 people who had physically blocked the road against the seismic truck procession, and refused to move. Supporters are currently waiting for their release.
RCMP had earlier in the morning blocked off all access to the sacred fire encampment, turning away supporters attempting to rush to the scene.
They are: Maxime Daigle, Rachel Daigle, Dallas McQuarrie, Susan McQuarrie, Ron Tremblay, Angela Beek, Tom Nash, Mark Darcy, Oasogootesg, Kathy Levi, Eugene Sock, Star Augustine.
This article was originally published by the Halifax Media Co-op.