We welcome active membership in the NB Media Co-op. If any of the below roles or activities interests you, please get in touch.
1. Contributor — The NB Media Co-op is seeking submissions (news, opinion pieces, letters to the editor, event listings, reviews, audio and video). We accept submissions in French and English.
2. Sustainer — We need sustainers to fund our independent journalism. Already a sustaining member? Ask your family, friends, local businesses and organizations to consider joining the NB Media Co-op.
3. Advisor — We are seeking representatives from diverse and under-represented communities to serve on our advisory committee to ensure the issues that matter to all New Brunswickers are covered. Our high school position is currently vacant.
4. Distributor — The Brief will be distributed in such places as cafes, libraries and clinics. Contact us if you want to help distribute or if you have suggestion of a location to place The Brief.
5. Organizer — Join our regular organizing meetings. Meetings are currently held in Fredericton during the first week of the month. Calling into the meeting from another location in the province is an option.
Contact us at info@nbmediacoop.org to get involved today!