1. Biodiversity is the way we must go
For the life of me I simply don’t understand
How one can still say just a little bit more
Working with poison instead of doing by hand
Raking in the profits and hiding them offshore
Promoting monoculture is bad for our land
In New Brunswick the people are asking what for
Using Glyphosate elsewhere is already banned
So why is permitting it our Governments stand
Biodiversity is the way we must go
Conciliation with First Nations is at hand
Embracing real peace and friendship will make us glow
Knowing that all that lives is part of the same band
The future is bleak if we fail to stop our foes
It is quite bright when we imagine what can be
We must be firm and say no not walk on tip toes
We can make this work we can live in harmony
So as for the spraying of our environment
Higgs says he will look into it eventually
Austin thinks less poison will end our torment
Both are Irving puppets as far as we can see
So NBers must again get out the posters
And get ready once more to fight for the future
There are still some Glyphosate addicted monsters
With no consideration for Mother Nature
And since the Higgs regime is persisting to spray
NBers should be getting more and more upset
Blaine I’m telling you here You better start to pray
Because we’re going to lawyer up yes that’s a threat
*note from the author: When I wrote the first poem (#1), it was election year and Austin had stated that he wanted less spraying…he was on the fence, so to speak. I wasn’t happy with his stance and made it clear in that poem. Recently, he has stated that he now wants it banned and he and his two co- People’s Alliance MLAs voted in favor of the ban last week. So I would like these facts to be mentioned if the poem is published.
2. Mystory of LibCons
The Liberals are red
Conservatives are blue
No matter who’s ahead
It is all Irving’s spew
So the grass might be green
And the sky might be blue
With Irving in the scene
Nature’s a toxic stew
We have the elected
We have government’s crew
What is really needed
“People First” something new
Enough corporate bums
Avoiding paying tax
Collusion among chums
Hiding each other’s tracks
Majority governed
The oligarchs party
With a minority
A chance for sanity
3. New Glyphosate poem created December 15th 2019
Don’t need a PHD
To run from Glyphosate
Enough spray already
Before it is too late
New Brunswickers say no
Elsewhere it is now banned
In Québec long ago
They banned it from their land
Austria last July
Said next year it is out
New Year’s law will apply
Hoping it has some clout
What we must understand
Toilet paper for sale
Royale is Irving’s brand
Monster should be in jail
Is a word he must hate
JDI loves money
Killing all at fast rate
Cancer cause probable
Brings so much suffering
Cereals on table
Our children are eating
It is simply monstrous
There’s lots in Cheerios
Food that is treacherous
Filled with damn GMO’s
Our captured governments
Corporations control
Elected ornaments
Smoke and mirrors their role
So let’s make it quite clear
To get out of this mess
Lawsuits are getting near
Must win this game of chess
Team work is what’s needed
To get rid of this stuff
It’s time we get started
Coz enough is enough
Glyphosate nouveau poème du 13 décembre 2019
Pas besoin de 100 watts
Pour fuir le Glyphosate
Ça suffit les poisons
Au N.-B. on dit non
Ailleurs ils ont compris
Au Québec c’est banni
Depuis longtemps déjà
Ça’n’fait plus de dégâts
l’Autriche dit en juillet
Premier janvier c’est fait
La loi entre en vigueur
Cette merde fera plus peur
Déjà il faut comprendre
Le papier cul à vendre
Irving va tout détruire
Afin de s’enrichir
Mot qu’il doit détester
Forêts ou plantations
Profits par destruction
Probablement cancer
Qui cause tant de misère
Même dans les céréales
Dont nos enfants régalent
Faut-y être monstrueux
Les Cherios pour eux
Des boîtes pleines à craquer
Les dangers pas marqués
Pi nos gouvernements
Sont que des ornements
C’est les corporations
Qui prennent les décisions
Alors que ça soit clair
Pour sortir d’la misère
Des poursuites judiciaires
Seront bien nécessaires
Va falloir se tenir
Il est bien temps d’agir
Il ne faut plus niaiser
Assez c’est bien assez

Patrick Collette is a poet, artist and writer from New Brunswick.
The main image at the top of these poems is a still from the video: The People vs the Irving Dynasty. Link to story and video here.