En français ci-bas
The NB Media Co-op is a registered non-profit cooperative with the province of New Brunswick. Our financial statements are submitted annually to the province following our annual members’ meeting. We provide New Brunswickers with independent, rigorous and reliable media coverage for social justice in a province marked by concentration of media ownership. The NB Media Co-op is made possible by dedicated staff and volunteers living on the unceded territories of the Wolastoqiyik/Wəlastəkewiyik, Mi’kmaw and Passamaquoddy/Peskotomuhkati in the province of New Brunswick in Canada. Click here to learn more about us.
Becoming a member of the co-op is simple. Membership is obtained by paying dues in any given 12-month period. You must be a member to vote at the annual general meeting held in September. Our suggested rate for membership dues is $30 annually or pay what you can.
We rely on membership dues and individual donations as well as support from labour unions and community partners. Please give generously if you can. The best way to support the NB Media Co-op is with a recurring monthly donation – even small amounts help to sustain us and keep our journalism accessible to everyone. Our stories are never behind a paywall.
Questions about membership or donations? Need assistance making changes to a recurring online donation?
Please reach out to us by email at info@nbmediacoop.org.
To pay membership dues or make an additional donation online, please click here.
Electronic transfers can be sent to info@nbmediacoop.org (no security password required).
Cheques can be be made payable to NB Media Co-op and mailed to:
NB Media Co-op
180 St. John St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 4A9
For questions about other forms of payment contact info@nbmediacoop.org.
You can also subscribe to our mailing list to get the news delivered to your inbox – email info@nbmediacoop.org or use the subscribe button on our homepage. You do not have to be a member to subscribe and receive our newsletter.
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Pour faire un don en ligne, veuillez cliquer ici.
Vous pouvez également envoyer un virement électronique à info@nbmediacoop.org (aucun mot de sécurité requis).
Les chèques peuvent également être libellés à l’ordre de la NB Media Co-op et postés à :
180 St. John St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 4A9
Pour toute question concernant d’autres modes de paiement, contactez info@nbmediacoop.org.