Jennifer Brant on Rematriating Justice: Honouring the Lives of Our Indigenous Sisters
All are welcome to join Jennifer Brant for a discussion on her book, Rematriating Justice: Honouring the Lives of Our Indigenous Sisters (Demeter Press), on Wednesday, August 21 at 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Atlantic time at the Cinnamon Café, 469 King St., in Fredericton.
Jennifer Brant, belongs to the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk Nation) with family ties to Six Nations of the Grand River Territory and Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. She is an Associate Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Her work focuses on Indigenous Maternal Pedagogies and creating ethical spaces for cross-cultural and anti-racist dialogue. With D. Memee Lavell-Harvard, Jennifer Brant is the co-editor of the new book, Rematriating Justice: Honouring the Lives of Our Indigenous Sisters (Demeter Press) and of Forever Loved: Exposing the Hidden Crises of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada (Demeter Press).
Joining Jennifer Brant will be contributors Josephine Savarese and Chevelle Malcolm.
Josephine Savarese is the author of ‘Chantel Was Sunshine’: Centralizing Indigenous Mothering in an Honouring Story of Chantel Moore. The NB Media Co-op published an excerpt of the chapter here.
Chevelle Malcolm is a Fredericton-based award-winning poet and frequent reader at community events, particularly ones supporting the Black community and Indigenous women. She writes to bring awareness, empower, and heal.
Participants are encouraged to support Cinnamon Café and purchase food and beverages.
Co-hosted by the NB Media Co-op and St. Thomas University’s Criminology 3163 course – Perspectives on Missing Persons.
Jennifer Brant was the NB Media Co-op’s 7th Annual Keynote Speaker in 2016.
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