NB Media Co-op’s 13th Annual General Meeting with Emilie Nicolas
Journalist Emilie Nicolas will deliver the NB Media Co-op’s annual keynote address on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 7:00pm by Zoom.
Topic: When media pose a threat, rather than expose it.
Social inequalities have multiplied in Canada during the pandemic. Meanwhile, hate crimes and threats towards minorities, journalists and even elected officials have skyrocketed. How can media be part of a solution – and less part of the problem?
Emile Nicolas is a journalist, media commentator and anthropologist. Nicolas hosts Détours, a French monthly podcast on CANADALAND with media personalities on recent news coverage of the month’s hottest topics.
English-French interpretation will be available.
The NB Media Co-op’s Annual General Meeting will occur prior to Emilie Nicolas’s talk at 5:00pm by Zoom. All are welcome but you must be a member to vote. Not a member yet? Sign up here.
Proposed Agenda for the NB Media Co-op’s 2022 Annual General Meeting
When: Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 5:00pm.
Where: Register here for Zoom link.
-Appointment of meeting chair
-Appointment of minute taker
-Approval of meeting agenda
-Introduction of members present
-Approval of the 2021 AGM minutes
–Annual report for 2021-2022
-Update from the manager
-Presentation & adoption of the 2021-2022 financial report
-Presentation of budget for 2022-2023
–Bylaw amendments
–Special resolutions on the audit
–Approval of Articles of Amendment (Transition)
-Board elections
-Brian Beaton Annual Prize in Journalism for Justice
-Other business
For more information, contact: info@nbmediacoop.org.