Tertulia – Tom Beckley on Wendell Berry

Tertulia – Tom Beckley on Wendell Berry
Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 7:00pm (ADT) by Zoom.
Tom Beckley is a sociologist and professor in the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick. His research focuses on rural communities, sense of place, community forestry, public engagement in forestry policies, and energy and climate change. He grows his own food and manages a woodlot in Keswick Ridge.
Wendell Berry is an American novelist, poet, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer. He is the author of The Unsettling of America, numerous novels, essays, short stories, and poetry.
Register for the Zoom link at fredericton.tertulia@gmail.com.
What is a tertulia? A tertulia can be described as a literary and artistic social gathering or philosophy cafe where participants talk about ideas. Tertulias combine words, music, poetry, art and whatever else speakers want to share.
Tertulia Fredericton is partnering with the NB Media Co-op to publish videos of some of the tertulias at nbmediacoop.org.
Contact: fredericton.tertulia@gmail.com.