Tertulias Supports Service Workers: Learn about contract flipping and how to stop it
Seventy-five food service workers at the University of New Brunswick have received layoff notices with the flipping of contract for food services. Some have been working at UNB for 30-40+ years. They are worried about losing their jobs, existing wages and benefits, and union.
Learn more about contract flipping and how to stop it with –
Robert Ramsay, CUPE Senior Researcher
Thom Workman, UNB Political Science
Tuesday, April 11 at 7:30pm ADT
On Zoom. Register for the Zoom link here:
Share the Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/ events/544928527711950/
Read more about the effects of contract flipping at universities here: https://cupe.ca/sites/cupe/ files/pse_contracting_out_eng_ low_res.pdf
Read about a recent case of contracting flipping at STU here: https://nbmediacoop.org/2021/ 04/22/contract-flipping-and- organized-labour-at-new- brunswick-universities/
Here is a petition to support the food services workers at UNB: https://cupe.ca/stand-unb- food-service-workers
What is a tertulia? A tertulia can be described as a kind of philosophy café where participants talk about big thinkers, artists and ideas. This winter and spring, Tertulias Fredericton has put together a series on activists and social movements that have shaped our lives and allowed us to imagine a better future.
Tertulias Fredericton is supported by the NB Media Co-op.
For more information, visit Tertulias on Facebook or contact: fredericton.tertulia@
For more information, contact tertulia.fredericton@gmail.com .