Thank You For Nothing, Premier Blaine Higgs
Thank You For Nothing, Premier Blaine Higgs
If Clinic 554 closes, thousands of patients will be left without access to medical services in the initial stages of a global pandemic, and even more will be forced to travel widely between provincial zones in order to access necessary care. Refusing to recognize the burden this will place on our already-overloaded healthcare system and the danger this presents to vulnerable populations in NB is completely unconscionable behavior on behalf of the Higgs government and we will not stand for it.
Conservative Candidate Kathy Bockus is holding a free “Thank You Premier Higgs” BBQ open to the public on Aug 22nd, 2-4pm at Oak Bay Campground. Frankly, if 84-20 is not repealed, we do not think there is anything to thank him for, and we encourage you to show up and let him know.
– Please wear a mask and socially distance at 6+ feet whenever possible to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19
– If you are not able to make the event yourself but want to show your support in other ways, check out Save Clinic 554 and the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada on FB, Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with the latest news and other ways to get involved!