The Neoliberal Rollback in Historical Perspective • Eroding the Pillars of the Frodist Worker: Conceptions of Working Life and Labour Law • Eroding the Pillars of the Fordist Worker: Unionization Rate, Work Stop-pages and Declining Wages • The Unprotected Worker and the Low-wage Sphere • Neoliberalism at the Margins of the Working World • Restoring the Canadian Left • Selected Bibliography
About the Author
Thom Workman received a PhD from York University. He is Professor of Political Science at University of New Brunswick – Fredericton. His research interests include political and social thought, critical political discourses, Marxism and labour history. He is currently involved in research projects on the political and social thought of A.N. Whitehead, ancient Greek thought on war and empire, and imperialism and Canada. Thom teaches courses on literature and politics, alternative political communities, alienation, modern political theory, political leadership, and conflict studies.