Canada Post has plans to cut thousands of jobs in hundreds of communities across the country by modernizing and reviewing its operations and privatizing philatelic and call centres. The corporation is also cutting services by eliminating rural mail box delivery, closing post offices and removing street letter boxes.
These cuts indicate that Canada Post is focusing increasingly on commercial interests, rather than the public interest.
I believe that Canada Post, as a public institution, should put the public interest first. One of the ways it could do this is by sharing the benefits of its $2 billion modernization program. At the moment, Canada Post intends to use all the productivity gains from this program to cut jobs and save millions annually. This is our post office — the public should share in the benefits too.
Please tell Rob Merrifield, the Minister responsible for Canada Post, to instruct the corporation to:
1) Put the public interest first.
2) Share the benefits of postal modernization with the public by preserving and improving public postal service and jobs.