The second Corn Hill Bicycle Festival was held Saturday, July 23rd, 2011. The festival went off without a hitch with 5km to 100km rides, cycling workshops, a kid’s bike rodeo and a delicious homemade lunch.
The low traffic and outstanding views of the Corn Hill region made for great cycling. “The number of people who took part in the gear shifting and road side maintenance workshops represents the diversity of cyclists attracted to the festival,” said Graham Waugh, one of the founders and organizers of the event, who was impressed with a participant list that ranged from first time cyclists to experienced racers. Waugh added, “I couldn’t believe how many came out for the 100 km ride.”
Weather was perfect with the forecasted thundershowers replaced by blue skies and a light breeze. Smiles were rampant on participants and volunteers alike. One rider couldn’t say enough, “Lunch was delightful. The whole day was well organized and attended. I just loved it. I’ll be bragging to everybody.”The Corn Hill Bicycle Festival would like to thank Fundy Model Forest, Corn Hill Women’s Institute, Outdoor Elements Bike Shop, Consolvo Bike Shop and all our other supporters. Check out the website for details on future community cycling events.