The following resolution was passed by Moncton City Council on Monday, August 20, 2012
Whereas Moncton City Council, at its Public Meeting of November 15, 2010, resolved that “Moncton City Council request that no exemptions for natural gas and oil exploration or drilling, in and in close proximity to the Turtle Creek Watershed, be granted by the Government of New Brunswick”; and
Whereas there are other watersheds and/or well fields within the boundaries of the City of Moncton that provide either the primary or backup water supply for residents of the Greater Moncton Area that are just as susceptible to damage by exploration work, such as horizontal or vertical drilling;
Whereas these other water sources are due the same level of protection as the Turtle Creek Watershed;
Therefore be it resolved that Moncton City Council request that no exemptions for natural gas and oil exploration or drilling on all owned city property within the City of Moncton municipal boundaries as well as, in, under and in close proximity to the Turtle Creek Watershed and all other watersheds or well fields in the Greater Moncton Area, be granted by the Government of New Brunswick.
Moved by: Councillor C. Léger
Seconded by: Councillor D. Bourgeois